夏燕靖教授在研讨会上作了题为“中国大陆地区最近对艺术史概念的理解”(The Recent Understanding of the Concept of Art History in Mainland China)发言,他介绍说:中国学者对艺术史构成形状的认识虽多种多样,但仍要逐步跳出西方对学科概念认识的划分,不能完全依据西方的方法来局限我们对中国艺术史的认识,我们亟待建立属于自己历史语境的艺术史与艺术史学的研究体系。为此,在2018年秋季,由南京艺术学院发起主办,邀请中国大陆知名的30所高校艺术史学者参与讨论的,名为“边界与跨界——2018·艺术史学科发展研讨会”。这次研讨会主题是以探究学科之间的界限来作视角,针对“边界”和“跨界”的艺术史研究界域的种种热点问题进行了深入讨论,大家形成的基本认识是:艺术史界域是相对模糊的,但研究焦点却是清晰的,即在艺术史研究中需要先模糊化,再逐渐地把这个焦点聚焦起来,形成更加清晰的共识,这是艺术史研究所需要的路径,也是属于中国历史语境的艺术史研究方法。具体涉及的艺术史与艺术史学讨论的话题有:艺术史与艺术史学科建构与整合的依据是什么?横跨或打通各艺术门类的艺术史有无存在的可能和必要?海外艺术史研究范式与中国艺术史研究方法,如何形成比较互鉴?艺术史学本土化研究,特别是“元艺术史”研究,艺术史文献资料和实物材料(存世、考古)这些多层面构成的史学观看角度有何差异?
Session I: Comparative or Cross-Cultural Approaches to East Asian Art Before Sustained Contacts with the West
1 | Katsura WASHIZU, “Envisioning the West: European Style Paintings in Late 16th–17th Century Japan” 展望西方:16-17世纪晚期日本的欧式绘画
2 | PARK Seong Hee, “Changes in Perception of Japanese Gold Folding Screens in Korea Following the Latter Half of the 18th Century: Focused on Korean Art Works with the‘Golden Rooster’ Motif” 18世纪后半叶后韩国对日本金制折叠屏风的认知变化:聚焦以“金鸡”为主题的韩国艺术作品 |
3 | Chelsea FOXWELL, “Pictures and (Re)Production: Images of Work and Labor in the History of Japanese Gafu (Woodblock-Printed Painting Compendia)” 图片和(再)制作:日本历史上的劳动与劳工形象(木版绘画简编) |
4 | Stanley ABE, “Before Sculpture”雕塑之前 |
5 | Catherine PAGANI, “From Curiosities to National Treasures: Chinese Art and the Politics of Display in Britain, 1842-1935” 从奇物到国宝:1842-1935年英国的中国艺术与政治展示 |
Session II: The Foundation and Development of Museums, Art Collecting, and Art History in East Asia After Modern Encounters with the West
1 | Rossella MENEGAZZO, “Art Objects Micro-Collection and Ideas Circulation in Relation to Individual Enterprises: The Case-Study of Italy” 与个体企业相关的艺术品微观收藏与思想流通:以意大利为例 |
2 | Wibke SCHRAPE, “From Japonisme to Japanese Art History: Trading, Collecting, and Promoting Japanese Art in Europe (1873–1915)” 从日本主义到日本艺术史:在欧洲交易、收藏并推广日本艺术(1873-1915) |
3 | Arthur MITTEAU, “The Ambivalent Relations between Okakura Kakuzô (1862-1913) and Ernest Fenollosa (1853-1908)’s Bijutsu Fukkô Movement and Meiji Bunjingaka, from the Fenollosa-Weld Collections of Boston MFA to Sugawara Hakuryû (1832-1898)” 冈仓觉三(1862-1913)与费诺罗萨(1983-1908)的Bijutsu Fukkô Movement与Meiji Bunjingaka之间的矛盾关系,从波士顿美术馆费诺罗萨全集到Sugawara Hakury_(1832-1898) |
4 | Ji Young PARK, “Vestige of an Empire. Treasure of the Nation. Presenting the Otani Collection in China, Japan and Korea” 帝国的遗迹,国家的珍宝,在中国、日本和韩国展示大田藏品 |
Session II: (continued)继续
1 | Junko NIMURA, “The Conception of Fine Art by Vietnamese Intellectuals” 越南知识分子的美术观 |
2 | Juliane NOTH, “European Art History and the Reform of Chinese Art at the National Academy of Arts in Hangzhou, 1928–1936” 欧洲艺术史与1928-1936年杭州国立艺专中国艺术改革 |
3 | Fletcher COLEMAN, “Building the Discipline: On the Longmen Grottoes and the Establishment of East Asian Art History in the United States ca. 1913-1939” 学科建设:论龙门石窟与1913-1939年美国东亚艺术史的建立 |
4 | Nathalie NEUMANN, “Matsukata Invisible: Losses of the Kojiro Matsukata Collection in Troubled Historical Context” 看不见的松田:在混乱的历史背景下,松田藏品的损失 |
5 | Mitsuru HAGA, “Museums as an Institution in East Asia: History of the Reception and Utilization of the Western System, and Its Future” 东亚博物馆制度:西方制度接受与利用的历史与未来 |
6 | HORIKAWA Lisa, “Nation, Region, and the Global: Approaches to‘Art History’ at National Gallery Singapore” 国家、地区和全球:在新加坡国家美术馆接触艺术史 |
7 | XIA Yanjing (夏燕靖), “The Recent Understanding of the Concept of Art History in Mainland China” 中国大陆地区最近对艺术史概念的理解 |
8 | Toshio WATANABE, “Theory of the Transnational and East Asian Art History” 跨国与东亚艺术史理论 |
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Yukio LIPPIT, Professor at Harvard University哈佛大学教授
Akira TAKAGISHI, Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo 东京大学助理教授
David J. ROXBURGH, Professor at Harvard University哈佛大学教授
Hiroko IKEGAMI, Associate Professor at Kobe University神户大学助理教授